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자택 주소

학력 정보

출신학교(국문) 출신학교(영문) 전공(국문) 전공(영문) 졸업연도 학위 국가

전공 분야 및 논문심사 가능 분야

소분류 세분류 체크
코드 분류명 코드 분류명
APP Applications
ACTU Actuarial statistics
BIOL Biological statistics
BUSI Business statistics
ECON Econometrics
ENGI Engineering statistics
ENVI Environmental statistics
FINS Financial statistics
GOVE Governmental statistics
MEDI Medical statistics
PSYC Psychological statistics
SOCI Social statistics
COM Computer intensive inference
HIGH High dimensional low sample size problems
RESA Resampling methods
DEC Decision theory
BAYP Bayesian procedures
MINI Minimax procedures
DES Design of experiments
OPTI Optimal designs
QUAL Quality control
DIS Distribution theory
FOU Foundational and philosophical topics
FUN Functional data analysis
INF Inference from stochastic processes
SPAT Spatial processes
TIME Time series
LIM Limit theory
LIN Linear inference and regression
GENE Generalized linear models
LINE Linear regression
NONL Nonlinear regression
MAC Machine learning
MUL Multivariate analysis
CLAS Classification, discrimination and cluster analysis
CONT Contingency table
DATA Data mining
FACT Factor analysis and principal components
IMAG Image analysis
NON Nonparametric inference
ADDI Additive models
BASI Basis function methods
KERN Kernel methods
NONP Nonparametric Bayesian inference
ORDE Order statistics
PENA Penalization methods
ROBU Robust statistics
PAR Parametric inference
BAYI Bayesian inference
ESTI Estimation
HYPO Hypothesis testing
PRO Probability theory
SAM Sampling theory and sample surveys
SEM Semiparametric inference
SEQ Sequential methods
STA Statistical computing
ALGO Algorithms
GRAP Graphics
STO Stochastic processes and stochastic analysis
APPL Applications
EMPI Empirical processes
EXTR Extreme value theory
FINM Financial mathematics
MARK Markov processes
MART Martingales
POIN Point processes
QUEU Queueing theory
RAND Random fields
RENE Renewal processes
STCA Stochastic calculus
STCO Stochastic control
SUR Survival analysis and censored data
CENS Censored data models
RELI Reliability
OTH Others
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