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[안내]KWiSE 포럼 초청: Impact of Climate Change on Human Life

작성자 : 관리자
조회수 : 3554


The Korean-American Women in Science and Engineering (KWiSE) 의 NIH 와 Washington DC Chapter에서 주관하는  온라인 포럼 “Impact of Climate Change on Human Life”( https://sites.google.com/view/kwise2022web ) 에 초대합니다.


포럼에 대한 내용은 아래를 참고하시기 바랍니다.


The NIH and Washington DC Chapters of the Korean-American Women in Science and Engineering (KWiSE) are proud to host a virtual forum “Impact of Climate Change on Human Life”.


During the 4-part forum series, internationally renowned experts from the United States and South Korea will share their experience and research on policy, health, disease, and food. 


The opening event on the evening of October 19 will focus on the climate policies of South Korea and the U.S. Dr. Sei-joong Kwon, a minister and consul general at the Korean Embassy, will discuss the effort of the South Korean government for the Paris Agreement. Mr. John Furlow, the Director of the International Research Institute for Climate and Society at Columbia University, will present how to achieve UN adaptation goals in climate change in national policies and action.  


For more information, please refer to the attached flyer.


The forum will be held weekly in the evenings of October 19 and 27, and November 3 and 14. The times are 8-9:30 pm EST except 7-8:30 pm EST on November 14.


The event is open to the public (free registration required). Please follow the link at: tinyurl.com/kwise2022


We would greatly appreciate it if you could forward the announcement to folks who may be interested in how climate change is affecting our lives and learn what to do about it. 


This event is sponsored by the Korea Foundation.

