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[안내]Conference of European Statistics Stakeholders

Conference of European Statistics Stakeholders

Budapest 20 – 21 October, 2016






Dear colleague,

Eurostat, the European Central Bank, the European Statistical Advisory Committee, the Federation of European National Statistical Societies, the Hungarian Central Statistical Office and the Hungarian Statistical Association invite you to submit your abstract and participate to the Second Conference of European Statistics Stakeholders, that will be held in Budapest, 20- 21, October 2016.                    

The aim of the Conference is to bring together European methodologists, producers, and users of statistics to discuss users’ needs, to share best practices in the production of official statistics, to present innovative ways of visualising and communicating statistics, and to advance new methodological ideas for collecting and analysing data.

We invite all those who are interested to present their results and achievements related to these issues to upload their abstracts by 31 May 2016, as specified in the Call for abstracts.

We are confident that the topics of the Conference will be appealing to a broad range of participants who will also enjoy the attractions of Budapest and Hungary.

For further information, please contact the organising team: cess2016@ksh.hu


Registration is mandatory for all participants (limited attendance)


No registration fee will be required.




Hungarian Academy of  Sciences



Online submission



Abstract submission?

31 May , 2016??  ??


Conference dates?

20-21, 2 October 2016


For more information? http://www.ksh.hu/cess2016

Organized by: Eurostat, the European Central Bank, the European Statistical Advisory Committee, the Federation of European National Statistical Societies, the Hungarian Central Statistical Office and the Hungarian Statistical Association  
