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[안내]JOS 30th Anniversary Conference 2015: Registration by May 30

JOS 30th Anniversary Conference 2015와 관련하여 아래와 같이 안내드립니다.


Dear Colleagues,

We would like to remind that you may register by May 30, 2015 for the Journal of Official Statistics 30th Anniversary Conference and short courses on vital topics of survey statistics and methodology .


You may join survey statisticians, survey methodologists, and interdisciplinary researchers of official statistics across the globe in this memorable JOS conference to be held in Stockholm, Sweden, June 10-12, 2015. Below are short courses we are offering during the conference.

* "Bayesian Inference for Sample Surveys" Roderick Little, University of Michigan


* “Trends and Developments in Questionnaire Design, Pretesting, and Evaluation" Annelies Blom, University of Mannheim

* "Survey Research Using Emerging Technologies: Considerations for Design, Data Collection, Sampling and Recruitment for Smartphone and Tablet Based Surveys" Trent Buskirk, Marketing Systems Group

* "Practical Tools for Nonresponse Bias Evaluation" Kristen Olson, University of Nebraska

In addition, we have an exciting program of plenary sessions with leading scholars of survey statistics, including Steve Fienberg of Carnegie Mellon U, Paul Biemer of RTI and Lars Lyberg of Stockholm U.   We also have energetic poster presentations on current and pressing topics of survey methodology and official statistics from over 20 countries!

For more information about the conference, please visit www.scb.se/jos-anniversary-2015


JOS Anniversary Conference Organizing Committee

Dr. Asaph Young Chun, U.S. Census Bureau

Dr. Suad Elezovic, Statistics Sweden

Ms. Susanna Emanuelsson, Statistics Sweden

Ms. Annika Fröberg, Statistics Sweden

Dr. Annica Isaksson, Statistics Sweden

Dr. Ingegerd Jansson, Statistics Sweden

Prof. Lars Lyberg, Stockholm University

Contact: JOS Editorial Office at jos@scb.se
