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[안내] 한국통계학회 조사통계연구회 세미나 안내

한국통계학회 조사통계연구회에서는 미국 Bureau of Labor Statistics의 조문정 박사님을 모시고 다음과 같이 세미나를 개최하려고 합니다. 많은 관심을 부탁드립니다.


일시: 2015년 4월20일(월요일) 4pm-5pm

장소: 부경대학교 자연과학대학 7호관 (C-24) 7231호실

발표자: Dr. Moon Jung Cho


내용: Analytic Tools for Evaluating Variability of Standard Errors in Large-Scale Establishment Surveys



Large-scale establishment surveys often exhibit substantial temporal or cross-sectional variability in their published standard errors. This article uses a framework defined by survey generalized variance functions to develop three sets of analytic tools for evaluation of these patterns of variability. These tools are for


(1) identification of predictor variables that explain some of the observed temporal and cross-sectional variability in published standard errors;

(2) evaluation of the proportion of variability attributable to the abovementioned predictors, equation error and estimation error, respectively; and

(3) comparison of equation error variances across groups defined by observable predictor variables.


The primary ideas are motivated and illustrated by an application to the U.S. Current Employment Statistics program.
