2014년 11월에 다음과 같은 ISI 관련 국제학회 2개가 말레이지아에서 열릴 예정입니다.
관심있는 회원의 참여를 바랍니다.
1. ISI Regional Statistics Conference 2014 (ISI-RSC 2014)
Conference Location: Bank Negara Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA
Conference Dates: 16-19 November 2014
The ISI-Regional Statistics Conference 2014 (ISI-RSC 2014) is being organised by the ISI and its South East Asia Regional Network, in collaboration with Bank Negara Malaysia (Central Bank of Malaysia), Department of Statistics Malaysia and the Malaysia Institute of Statistics.
The conference aims to bring together statistical researchers and practitioners as well as users and policymakers from around the world to discuss new developments in statistical science. There will be plenary sessions as well as parallel sessions with invited and contributed papers. The topics will cover research, applications and best practices for knowledge discovery and innovation. There will be many opportunities for participaints to share information and expertise while also learning from peers around the world. The conference will be preceded by workshops and a seminar of the Irving Fisher Committee on Central Bank Statistics.
The Scientific Programme Committee is now calling for proposals for the Invited Sessions and submissions of Contributed Papers. The conference theme, “Statistical Science for a Better Tomorrow”, is intentionally broad to allow for a diverse programme and attract participants with diverse interests. We encourage researchers and practitioners who are actively involved in statistical science in academia, industry, national statistical offices, national and international agencies, central banks, and other groups to participate in the conference.
For further information on the submission requirements and procedures for Invited Sessions and Contributed Papers, kindly visit the Scientific Programme page on the ISI-RSC 2014 website (www.isi-rsc2014.my ) or contact the Scientific Programme Committee at programme@isi-rsc2014.my.
2. International Conference on Mathematics, Statistics, and Financial Mathematics 2014 (ICMSFM2014) with IASC-ARS Sessions 18th-19th November 2014, Malaysia http://research.utar.edu.my/CMS/ICMSFM2014/index.html
Abstract Submission Deadline: July 15th, 2014
Paper submission: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icmsfm2014
Online Registration: http://tinyurl.com/po3rm5z
You are invited to submit a paper for consideration for the International Conference on Mathematics, Statistics, and Financial Mathematics 2014 (ICMSFM2014) with IASC-ARS Sessions, 18th-19th November 2014. If you could please circulate this amongst all your postgraduate students and researchers, we would greatly appreciate it.
The Centre for Mathematical Sciences (CMS) of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) is in collaboration with the Asian Region Section of International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC-ARS) to organize the International Conference for Mathematics, Statistics and Financial Mathematics (ICMSFM2014).
The objective of the conference is to promote mathematics and statistics research in Asian countries by providing a forum for researchers, educators, students and industries to exchange ideas, and to communicate and discuss research findings and new advances in mathematical and statistical sciences.
SCOPE: Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
* Algebra, Algebraic Geometry, Analysis, Operator Algebra
* Functional Analysis, Lie Groups and Lie Algebras, Topology
* Ordinary Differential Equation, Dynamic System
* Mathematical Computer Sciences
* Number Theory, Combinatorics
* Control Theory, Optimization
* Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
* Computational Statistics and Mathematical Statistics
* Statistical Quality Control
* Applied Statistics, Data analytics
* Probability and Stochastic Process
* Mathematical Finance and Actuarial Science
* Applied Mathematics
Abstract submission deadline 15 July 2014
Notification of acceptance 1 August 2014
Early bird registration deadline 15 August 2014
Full paper submission deadline 30 September 2014
Deadline of payment and registration 30 September 2014